Mp3 Download song Deborah Blando Decadence Avec lgance FREE Mp3 Download Song Lyrics. Deborah Blando song lyrics

Deborah Blando - Decadence Avec lgance Lyrics

Oh, ah, decadence. Yeah!

They're counting down on the doomsday show
The president, government, running wild
It's written on the wall
A minute to go
Might as well
Go out in style
Dressed to kill for the final fling
Let's party while the empire falls
In the arms of some Romeo
This is the way to forget it all
Dancing chic to chic

Decadence avec lgance
Decadence avec lgance
Oh, woh-woh, oh, woh-woh
Oh, woh-woh, yeah

Monkey see, monkey do,
Pass around the pink champagne
Drink to the human zoo
Mambo jumbo then one last tango
Auf wiedersehen
Better to live on reckless night
Than a thousand nights of security
Decadence, mondo cane, raising hell
A night of glory
And rest in peace

Decadence avec lgance
Decadence avec lgance
Oh, woh-woh, oh, woh-woh
Oh, woh-woh, yeah

Decadncia, ooh
Bunda, bunda... bunda... bunda...
E ela me diz que seja um bom rapaz
Pratique algum esporte, tenha bons ideais
Afinal de contas, o fim do mundo
No nem um fim do mundo
E se for, descanse em paz

They're counting down on the doomsday show (ten, nine, eight, seven)
The clock on the wall says a minute to go
A minute to go... a minute to go...

Decadence avec lgance
Decadence avec lgance
Oh, woh-woh, oh, woh-woh
Oh, woh-woh, yeah

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